Signs of Burnout

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned homeschool veteran, at some point you will experience burn out. Veteran homeschoolers can see the signs of burnout, and take measures to stop it in its tracks. Less experienced homeschoolers often don’t recognize the signs until burnout are inevitable.

Many homeschoolers experience burn out in February or March, just when the school year seems to drag on and the weather is less than ideal.

Recognizing the signs of burnout can help you find a solution to the problem. Here are some common signs of burnout:

The most obvious sign of impending burnout is an utter lack of joy. No one can be 100% joyful all of the time, we’re homeschool moms, not superwoman. But if you find that you have lost all desire to “do school”, and even dread lessons, it’s safe to say that you’re headed for burnout.

Irritability, losing patience with your children quickly

feeling depressed or anxious

lack of interest in schoolwork, homemaking, and activities

How to Banish Burnout
Whenever I experience burnout, I can usually trace it back to a lack of time spent in the Word and in prayer. The Bible says that without God’s strength and wisdom we can do nothing. God is not the author of confusion and disorder. Whenever confusion and disorder reign in my heart, I know that I need to press in and renew my mind and spirit by spending some time in God’s Word and in my prayer closet. We absolutely can’t expect to undertake a huge task like homeschooling in our own strength, we need God’s mercy, grace, strength and wisdom to accomplish what He has called us to do.

Have a heart to heart talk with your spouse. While one parent is usually primarily responsible for educating the children, both parents are Biblically responsible for the academic and spiritual education of their children. Your spouse can often look at the situation with fresh eyes and see areas where changes could be made that you can’t. Homeschooling is a team effort, and sometimes just talking with your spouse about problems you are having helps.

Talk with other homeschooling moms. So often, the biggest thing that contributes to burnout in homeschooling is the illusion that you are alone in your struggles. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Every homeschooling parent second guesses their decision to homeschool their children at some point. Other moms can give practical advice to help you deal with burnout. Simply knowing that you aren’t alone and having support can help alleviate burnout.

Take a break. Sometimes all you need is a change of pace to banish burnout. This doesn’t mean that learning has to stop, but get creative and shake things up a bit. Go on some field trips to places of interest to you and the children. Explore a topic that you all would like to learn more about. Take a day trip to a nearby attraction that would be of interest to you. Find a class or community event to attend. The possibilities are endless.

Teaching Our Children to be Kind

Kindness is a character quality that is rarely displayed in our society. A person who is benevolent is seen as weak by many. Webster defines the word kind as the following: having a gentle nature, with a willingness to help others. To be kind in today’s world is to be completely contrary to the society we live in.

The Bible commands Christians to show compassion and serve others. How can parents instill a desire to be kind in their children? Read on for some ideas that will help you encourage your children to be kind, even in today’s world.

Model Kindness
We are our children’s first teachers. Often the character traits we feel are lacking in our children are lacking in our own lives. If you want your children to be kind, you have to be kind. Your children need to see you going out of your way being gentle and serve others, even when it isn’t easy, even when the other person doesn’t deserve it.

The only way you can be kind to others is to live a life that is 100% sold out to Jesus Christ. On our own, we have no hope of truly being gentle and serving others, with God’s help there is nothing we can’t do.

True kindness goes so much deeper than the surface, it is a genuinely caring for others and sacrificing our wants and needs to serve others. St. Francis said, “Preach the Gospel, if necessary use words.” Our actions are the only sermon that some will ever hear. Let’s be intentionally kind and make what we say and do count for eternity.

When our children see us serving and loving the unlovable, they will follow our example.

Practical Ways to Model Kindness
we need to be consciously seeking ways to model kindness to our children. Here are some simple ways you can model kindness and involve your children in the process:

Make meals for new mothers or people who are recovering from surgery or illness. Kids love to help in the kitchen and preparing a meal for someone who is in need is a practical way for you to show kindness as a family. Have the kiddos make a card or homemade gift to include with your blessing.

Visit the elderly in nursing homes or shut-ins. Elderly people love seeing children and have a lot of love and wisdom to offer your children. Make pictures, small crafts, or sing for them. Shovel snow or mow a neighbor’s lawn to reach out to others right in your neighborhood. Make cookies take to your local police department or fire department to say thank you for a job well done.

Teaching your children kindness starts with your example. Just like we teach our children practical skills, we teach them character by how we interact with others. Kindness should be a way of life in a Christian home. Start sowing seeds of kindness today and see what God will do!!! For more about homeschooling all in one program.

Teaching Our Children to Share Their Faith

Sharing your faith with others can be intimidating, even for adults. No one likes to risk rejection or being different, especially children. As Christians, we are told to go into the world and make disciples. This doesn’t mean that you have to hand out tracts to everyone you meet or go door to door talking to people about Jesus unless that’s your style. There are other ways to teach our children to share their faith with others in some very practical ways. Read on for some tips that have worked for us!

Probably the easiest way for your children to share their faith is to volunteer. Our children have gained a lot of compassion and honed their social skills while volunteering in our community. Here are a few kid friendly options for your family to explore: Nursing homes or assisted living centers are a wonderful place for children to reach out and share God’s love with others. The elderly love to see children visit and have a lot of love and wisdom to offer young children. We have sung, helped with church services and played board games with our adopted grandparents.

Homeless shelters and soup kitchens are another place where we have been blessed to serve as a family. The simple act of meeting physical needs opens the doors for us to share Jesus with others. My children learned compassion and grew to love serving at our local homeless shelter.

Delivering Meals on Wheels opens the door to form relationships with shut-ins and share the love of Jesus with them in a very practical way.

We have also reached out to others by ministering at a local battered women’s shelter. We have put together care packages for the families that stay there and donated toys for children who are affected by domestic violence.

Another simple way to share our faith is to reach out to neighborhood kids and have a kid’s Bible club. Make invitations and hand them out to neighborhood children and friends. Have your children help with the lesson, entertainment, and snacks. This is a great way for your child to share their faith with their friends in a fun atmosphere.

In our house, we have a time set aside every day for prayer before we start school. We often pray for friends and others in the community. We often send a card or my children will simply tell the person that we prayed for them. We have seen so many miracles happen because we took the time to pray!!!

Plug into outreach events at your church or in your community. Children need to know that they aren’t the future of the church, they are the church! Serving as a family sets the pace for a lifelong desire to serve others and share the love of Jesus with them.

As parents, we lead by example. If our children see us sharing our faith with others, they will naturally follow in our footsteps. So get out there and share the love of Jesus! Your kids are watching!!! For more about homeschool books.

Teaching Your Child to Make Good Choices

One our biggest responsibilities as parents are to teach our children to make good choices. It’s not enough for them to do the right thing simply because someone tells them to. We need to teach them to choose wisely, even when no one is looking. 

Train up a Child
The Bible admonishes parents to “train up a child in the way he should go.” While discipline is a big part of this, it is worthless without training your child. The definition of training is: to teach a particular behavior or skill through practice or instruction over a period of time. This is what the Bible was instructing us to do. Training our children to make good choices is a daily process. Our children learn through trial and error that bad choices have unpleasant consequences, and good choices produce good results. 

Start Early
Teaching a child to make good choices starts very early in their lives. We teach them that the stove is hot and if you touch it you will be hurt, so that child is less likely to be injured. We encourage our children to be thoughtful and kind when they play with others. It doesn’t seem like much, but these small everyday choices are setting the foundation for our children later in life. It is so much easy.
A Relationship with the Lord Makes All the Difference
When our children make a personal commitment to follow the Lord, their desires change. They no longer want to live for themselves, they want to please God. This doesn’t mean that they won’t slip up, we all do. The power of the Holy Spirit is active in their lives to instruct, convict and restore them to a right relationship with God. Good choices don’t just happen, they are born out of a personal conviction that an action is either right or wrong. We can’t be everywhere, but God is. When we can’t give our children counsel or protect them from making a bad decision, God can. That is why we need to pray that our children develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We need to facilitate that as much as is possible and realize that each child has a free will. We need to cover them with prayer, and extend grace and love when they fail. We need to be agents of restoration and teach them what to do to restore a right standing with God when they make mistakes.
As our children get older and their circle of influence widens, it is important that they feel that they can talk to us about anything. Sometimes we won’t like the choices that they make, but we need to extend mercy, grace, and love to them and help them to fix the situation. We have to give them the tools to make things right when they make bad decisions. Keeping the lines of communication open may not keep your child from ever making a bad choice, but it will ensure that your child has a safe place to turn for Godly advice and counsel. For more about homeschool books.

Things Moms with Autistic Children Wish You Knew

At the end of three hours, I was exhausted. When I offered to take care of my friend’s Autistic son for a few hours, I had no idea what I was getting into. My friend made caring for her son look easy, she seemed to intuitively know what he needed and how to handle his frustrations with ease.

Moms with Autistic children have my upmost respect. One in 68 children in America is diagnosed with Autism, with many more that fall on the Autism spectrum that go undiagnosed.

When my friend came to pick her son up, we sat and talked about Autism, and what she wishes people knew about her son. Here are some things moms with Autistic children wish you knew:

      Each child with Autism is unique. Although they share a diagnosis, Autistic children have individual abilities and difficulties. Autism isn’t a one size fits all diagnosis, it’s a spectrum. Children with Autism may have speech and social difficulties, but be extremely intelligent. Children with Asperger’s tend to read and write extremely well. Savanti Autistics can excel in math, art or music. Some children are low functioning and others blend in the crowd.

      Autism doesn’t equal a lack of intelligence. Yes, Autistic kids lack the social and sometimes verbal skills that their peers do, but most Autistic children can learn and tend to retain a lot of information. The way their minds process the information is different from other children. They tend to lack the ability to understand abstract concepts and are very literal in their understanding.

      Autistic children aren’t without emotion. They lack appropriate social skills, but have the same social needs and desires that their peers do. They may not look you directly in the eye as often as other children, but they are listening to what you say and are extremely perceptive.

      Sensory overload is very real. Autistic children are extremely affected by their environment. Their five senses are continually in overdrive, and they easily become over stimulated. This causes them to react differently than other children in social situations.

      It’s not a lack of discipline, it’s Autism. Autistic children’s brains are wired completely different than other children. They process information differently, and lack the social skills to respond appropriately. Autistic children use various behaviors to self soothe, such as rocking or humming. While parents can encourage their children to stop a behavior, the child often lacks the ability to link their actions with inappropriate behavior.

      Moms of Autistic children need your support. Dealing 24/7 with a special needs child is demanding, and can be isolating. Reach out to moms with children who have Autism. Invite them over for a play date with your child, ask them out to lunch, or offer to provide respite care so mom can take some time for herself. Above all else, listen.

Moms of Autistic children want you to see their children as more than a diagnosis, they want you to see them as the fearfully and wonderfully made gifts they are. They want you to see them for what they are, children. Read more homeschooling curriculum.

Answering Biblical Questions Kids Ask

Homeschooling parents are used to answering the many questions our children have each day. Some questions are easy to answer with a simple Google search. Other are a bit more complex and don’t have a black and white answer.
This is especially true of some of the theological questions our children have. There are concrete facts in the Bible, and there are things that are more conceptual.

The latter needs to be addressed according to the child’s ability to process information, In 1 Corinthians 3:2 the Apostle Paul says, “ I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.”  Just as Paul took into consideration the maturity level of the believers he was addressing, we as parents need to do the same as we instruct our children on spiritual things.

Answering Common Questions

There are some common questions that are bound to be addressed during your child’s life. The Biblical truth that you present doesn’t change as your children grow and mature, but your response will according to their level of academic and spiritual maturity.

Here is the most common question children ask, and appropriate responses, based on the child’s maturity level:

Why does God allow people to die?
      Preschoolers are completely unable to comprehend the concept of death. They are just beginning to understand separation. For instance, grasping the concept that when Daddy goes to work, he comes back. Trying to explain the permanency of death would be difficult, as preschoolers have no concept of time. They do understand feeling sad, and we can explain to them that when we are sad, God is sad and He can comfort us. You can also talk about how when people who love the Lord pass away, they get to go to Heaven.

      An Elementary aged child is beginning to understand the concept of death and often will become insecure and worry that they or those close to them will die. Explain that when a person that loves the Lord dies, they are in Heaven with Jesus, even if we can’t see them anymore. Lay out the plan of salvation for your child. At this age, children can begin to comprehend the sacrifice that Jesus made so that people have the chance to be forgiven and go to Heaven when they die.

      Preteens and teens can go in depth and learn that God never intended for us to die. You can build on the teaching on salvation you gave when they were younger and go more in depth as to how physical death came into the world. This is a good time to talk about trusting the Lord, even when we don’t understand His ways.

As you can see, it is important to give the child enough information to satisfy their curiosity, but we have to remember to consider the child’s maturity level and spiritual maturity level when we respond so that we don’t confuse them or talk above their heads.

As your children get older, teach them to study the Bible for themselves and see what it says. Giving our children the ability to study the Word of God, and find truth on their own is one of our greatest responsibilities and privileges as parents.

Teaching Our Children to Be Money Smart

One of the most valuable skills we can teach our children is how to manage their finances God’s way. The biggest cause of divorce in this country is financial distress. Learning how to manage finances at a young age gives our children an advantage over children who aren’t taught to be money smart. Read on for a few tips to get your child started off on the right foot financially.

Teach Them to Tithe
Some Christians think tithing is simply a way for churches to line their pockets, but the Bible says it is so much more than that. It is a chance for us to partner with God in blessing our finances. The Bible goes so far as to say that those who refuse to pay tithe to the church are robbing God and that their finances are under a curse. I don’t know about you, but I would rather have 90% of my money with God’s blessing, than 100% of it with His curse. Tithing ten percent of our income is a reminder that God is our provider, and all we have are His.

The next principle we need to teach our children is the importance of saving money. So often, we run our checking accounts to a zero balance and pray that we don’t run into any emergencies. This approach is definitely not Biblical. Proverbs 22:3 says, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” It is wise to plan ahead for needs and emergencies.

The Value of a Dollar
In the past, frugality was seen as a necessary skill for survival. People lived by the admonition “use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.” The average family has $5,000 in credit card debt alone. The Bible says we are to owe nothing, except for a debt of love to each other. Borrowers are slaves of their lenders. We need to teach our children to shun credit purchases and live within their means.

One way we can do this is by having them earn the things they want instead of just handing it to them. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t provide for your child’s needs, but you should make them earn their wants. This can be done by doing extra chores for you or others. Encourage your child to start a business, such as lawn care or babysitting. Selling old toys is another great way for kids to make some cash.

Teach your children the value of buying used. Take them to garage sales and thrift shops and show them how much they can get for the cost of one store-bought item. Kid’s clothes and toys are used for such a short time that buying brand new makes no sense.

Teach them to be Generous
We are blessed to be a blessing. Teaching our children that all we have comes from God, and, therefore, belongs to Him helps to combat the materialism that is so prevalent among kids today. The financial skills you teach today will stick with them for a lifetime. Read more 
homeschooling curriculum.